The girl.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

My November Update : O&G

Sekarang baru lepas azan Isya, hujan lebat seharian harini dari pagi buta sampailah sekarang. Musim monsun dah menjelang tiba k so be prepared pakai crocs jelah ioll hari hari

So, sekarang dah habis week 3 in O&G posting serious rasa tak ingat apa-apa lagi weh pls. It is not like I didn't study anything but, aku rasa aku nak settle down every small things and then only start studying one by one. Tbh, aku rasa this posting quite mencabar sbb dia involve mother and baby's well being. So respect to all mothers in the world. And pada posting ni lah perasaan cuak nak deliver baby tu muncul entah kenapa gatal hang niii calon pun takde wek 😛

Btw my end posting exam will be on 24th of December so really hope that I can survive this posting well inshaAllah. Pray that I am strong enough to face every difficulties, to go through all the tough path aminn. 

Actually I have my own problems but I choose to not tell it to others, instead I will jot them in my diary because that way only I can relieve myself a bit. When I have problems, I didn't expect people to ask or understand me but, it is enough for me if you just leave me alone but never abandon me ecewah. Because if I think you are close to me then only I will share it with you. If not, just don't. Tbh, I am so happy that I was surrounded by positive and understanding people to cherish my life. It is true they said that your friends define you 😍

Ever know this? If I made even a slight mistake to someone tak kiralah siapa, I will blame myself to the point that I kept thinking about it and terbawa bawa sampai ke dalam mimpi entah kenapa lah but it is true. Girls are complicated lol tetiba 😎

Ok bulan ni aku nak share 1 drama yang aku tengok. I must say that I'd already fell in love with all lines in this #Because This Is My First Life drama. Sebab the hero and heroin themselves love reading nice books with nice self motivating quotes. Tak memasal aku pun tetiba aim nak always say nice things to others when they really need it. Because you know, all those nice words won't die easily, they reached to other's heart and will survive 😇 

And one more thing i must let you all know, starting from date 17/11 I am officially broke af. 😟 The reason why my money habis tu I cannot tell yet but it is my plan after final exam Inshaallah. So ceritanya, eventhough you see I went to eat Myeongdong Topokki few days ago but actually thats only after I puasa straight 2 hari okay. I won't let my parents know about this because I don't want them feel burdened 😣 Not after mom already bought me a car and dad supported me all this while. I also don't want to tell my brothers and sister because not after they already worked hard to earn their own money... I guess I won't survive, no? Oh sucks. Don't worry guys, I will eat someting everyday but will be not going to pricey places anymore. I will cook in order to berjimat and keep surviving yay! 

P/S: Who wants to hire me as a part timer? 🙋 Be ready to work only from my desk je kui2

Sunday, November 5, 2017

"Wishes You Guys All The Best" - A Well Known Surgeon, 2017

Hi salam semua! 💋

Dah lama tak menaip kat blog ni. Asal nak menaip je internet hostel buat problem. Yelah sekarang kan musim tengkujuh, so theory i maybe line disturbed jugak. So its okay! Kebetulan pulak kan baru habis 1st posting for Final Year ni, rasa cam kena buat summary and reflection of the posting seperti posting2 yang sebelum nya. Hehe

Pada Surgery posting III ini, kami di ajar oleh 3 university lecturer + few HSNZ specialists/surgeon + few inviting lecturers from UIA. MashaAllah Alhamdulillah for the opportunity that we were given, I couldn't ask for more.

Aku rasa aku ade 1 reflection nak diceritakan berdasarkan pengalaman 8 minggu masuk Surgery posting. Kejap, sebelum aku cerita lebih, nak bagitahu dulu yang Surgery posting ni mostly melibatkan patients yang perlukan operation lah involving the internal and external organs. Tak kisah pesakit tu dapat radang ke, uluran (hernia), penyakit saluran darah (vascular), batu karang, thyroid, kanser, etc etc, semua ditempatkan di wad ini.

Aku nak bagi contoh situasi. Aku ambil appendix lah paling mudah. Seorang remaja lelaki berusia 14 tahun dapat sakit perut tiba-tiba di bahagan tengah perut dan merebak ke belah kanan perut, muntah kira-kira dalam 2 kali, loya, demam, kemungkinan yang besar ialah Acute Appendicitis.  😍

Ataupun contoh lain, terdapat pesakit yang kalau-kalau korang pernah dengar atau nampak, mereka punya mata atau seluruh anggota badan kelihatan berwarna kuning. Istilah dalam perubatannya ialah Jaundice. Masalah ini datangnya dari hati. Hati yang dimaksudkan di sini ialah hati (liver) ya bukan jantung (heart) 💕. Different tu.

Okay contoh yang lain, quite common dan penting bagi kalangan wanita. Seorang wanita berusia dalam 20 an mengadu terdapat ketulan benjol di bahagian payu dara, kami bahagian perubatan akan interpret sebagai breast lump, kebiasaannya pesakit akan mendapatkan nasihat di klinik berdekatan di rumah mereka dan jikalau perlu membuat siasatan/rawatan yang lebih lanjut, mereka akan diberi surat referral oleh GP ke klinik pakar di hospital.

Di sini saya nak ceritakan sedikit, terdapat sebilangan pesakit yang rasakan sesuatu yang tak kena pada dirinya, tapi membuat keputusan untuk tidak pergi ke klinik terus, hanya pergi 'berubat kampung' sahaja. Tahukah anda? Dengan membuat tindakan hanya pergi 'berubat kampung' hanya akan memburukkan keadaan malah melambatkan proses men'diagnos' penyakit anda. Sebagai contoh, jikalau anda ada perasan sakit/ketulan/badan lemah berterusan, cepat-cepat ke hospital berdekatan untuk pemeriksaan lanjut. Dr akan membuat pemeriksaan penuh dan menganalisis jiakalau anda betul-betul ada penyakit. 

Aku ingin bagi tips. Untuk mengelakkan risiko sebahagian jenis penyakit, kita haruslah no 1, jaga PEMAKANAN anda okay. No cholesterol excess, take high fibre diet, take accordingly for everything. Takyah makan macam takde hari esok. Kawal nafsu makan anda. Selebihnya tips boleh refer ke pakar diet pemakanan. Tahu tak kalau cholesterol lebih dalam badan kita akan menyebabkan saluran darah tersumbat. Boleh okay kenapa tak boleh? Cholesterol tu kalau tersumbat di saluran darah di kaki, akan menyebabkan kaki jadi kurang aliran darah, jika tidak diperiksa awal, worst case scenario kaki anda kan dipotong :( So jagalah pemakanan okay.

Okay next, EXERCISE. 👾👾 Kenapa nak kena exercise? Supaya buang lemak-lemak degil dan BMI anda berada dalam aras selamat. Wajib elakkan obesity. Tahu kan kalau obesity, dapat bawa kepada macam-macam penyakit? Jadi, beringat ye. Buat exercise kat bilik pun boleh janji ada, ok? ✌

No smoking, no high risk behavior etc etc. 
Jaga diri korang.


Bercakap pasal exam haritu. Basically theory exam is quite okay lah. Kita mampu berserah sahaja. Osce pun sama. Aku nak cerita pasal Pakcik Long Case and Makcik Short Case jea. 

Long case aku dapat pakcik (electively admitted for exam) presented with left anterior neck swelling for the past 6 years duration. Through out the history taking is quite okay but I feel a bit sorry towards that pakcik bcs I seriously repeated asking the same questions just bcs I dun want miss any important points. Its true bcs during discussion part with examiner, I kinda felt clumsy if I did miss asking questions or miss any findings. 

And as for the short case pulak dapat case of transverse colostomy with no surgical scar. Diagnosis is Intestinal Obstruction Secondary To Left Sided Carcinoma. I wish you cepat sembuh makcik. InshaALlah 💗

Here's the collection of memories with 'em fav SURGEONS  =) xo

Prof A, colorectal surgeon from UIA

Prof Nasser, UIA

Dato' Prof Dr Z, our VC, a neurosurgeon

Miss H, Hsnz surgeon

Mr H, a consultant ✌

Mr S 😆😎

Mr N, neurosurgeon

Prof H, our lecturer 💜💓

Last, after interactive osce finished. 😇😍😘
After Long and Short Case finished . Happy faces 👀👀❤
faces of group B students

makan bonanza sushi king with group B mates :-)

sushi king yang berkhidmat kat perut kitorang for these 5 years HAA :-P

US 🙌

Ps:/ Pray for me ya, aku ada 5 posting lagi na dihabiskan sebelum grad inshaALlah. Doakan. Semoga kebaikan kamu akan dilantunkan semula kepada kamu. 👍
Ps:// Currently tengah Obs & Gyn posting. Tengok mak mak dan para wanita macam saya ❤
Ps:/// My study is my first priority 💟

Lots of 💚
By Hajar Kubi

Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)